Buvero 6 – video story “On your own skin”

Buvero 6 – Girls heroes
Follow our work and inspire! NRC tends to create sustainable community of young Roma girls and women researchers and leaders who will be able to report on current social issues, public policy influences and...

August 2, a day of pain and sadness for the Roma Holocaust victims
When the Roma according to world rights and responsibility worldwide will realize their rights? The Holocaust is a huge source of pain for the Roma. Until 2019, the Roma still do not have proper...

Meeting with French Minister of European Affairs
On invitation of his Excellency, Mr. Christian Timonie, the Ambassador of France in R.North Macedonia invited the Executive Director of the National Roma Center Kumanovo, Asmet Elezovski to meet with Ms. Nathalie Loiseau, the Minister of...
Training on recognition and protection against discrimination was held
In the frames of the project “Supporting Roma women to identify their needs, seek their rights and increase their access to services for women who survived violence”, implemented with the support of UN Women,...

Recording short video for study circle
According to the project activities within the project „Social inclusion of Roma returnees and residents in Republic of Macedonia”, funded by We Effect from Sweden the recording was done during the study circles. The...
NGO session in United Nations Committee in Geneva

FARE – action week for the fight against racism in football
National Roma Centrum participated in the fight against racism in football from the 11th to the 26th of October this year. As a part of the network and campaign for social change in European...

Press release from the UN Committee in Geneva
Geneva, October 30, 2018 PRESS RELEASE Women, sex and gender minorities in Macedonia are discriminated in all spheres of life and their rights are not respected. This is the main message that Macedonian non-governmental organizations...