Flowers in front of the monument of the heroes from the Second World War at the Memorial Kosturnica in Kumanovo
Delegation of the Association National Roma Centrum laid fresh flowers in front of the monument to the heroes of the Second World War, at the Memorial Ossuary with a message “In memory of the...

Annual Assembly of the NRC on the World Romani Day
The National Roma Centrum today held a regular Annual Assembly which presented the activities and results of the association achieved at local and national level, as well as an overview of active projects, and...

Call for Collection of offers(for procurement of hygienic preventive means)

Census NRC info Macedonia 2021
Respected, We hope for your attention while watching the video messages and further forwarding in the interest of all citizens for positive perceptions, measures taken, for a good and productive life of all of...

Get vaccinated – NRC info Macedonia 2021
Respected, We hope for your attention while watching the video messages and further forwarding in the interest of all citizens for positive perceptions, measures taken, for a good and productive life of all of...

2nd August Roma Holocaust Commemoration -Kumanovo
Judson Nirenberg’s speech 2nd August Roma Holocaust Commemoration

Memory of European Holocaust Roma Day on 3 August starting at 7.30 pm the evening,
Respected, , The National Roma Centrum/NRC and the supporters invite you to your presence at the Memory of European Holocaust Roma Day on 3 August starting at 7.30 pm the evening, which will be held at the open location Kay in city Kumanovo,...