Terms of References For procurement of implementation of the outreach blueprint campaign for employment benefits of Roma (B.L a10) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills...
Terms of References For procurement of implementation of the outreach blueprint campaign for job retention by marginalized group of Roma (B.L B8)under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for development of training curricula and materials of a training module for sales persons (B.L a5) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for development of training curricula and materials of a training module for warehouseman(B.L a6) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability...
Terms of References For procurement catering services for lunch and refreshments for conducting 2 one-day trainings (B.L b2) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for development of organizational business model (B.L under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for conducting trainings for Social Enterpreneurship (B.L under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for conductingworkshops for financial operations of Social Entrepreneurship(B.L the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for developmentand preparation of strategy for NRC social enterprise (B.L the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for preparation of market analysis and preparation of a business planfor NRC social enterprise (B.L the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability...