Terms of References For procurement of the translator (BL the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially women and youth” I. Background The project “Organizational...
Terms of References For procurement catering services for lunch and refreshments for conducting 2 one-day trainings (B.L b2) under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of...
Terms of References For procurement toengage 4-6 Roma middleman (BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially women and youth” MSD Intervention:Roma middlemen...
Terms of References For procurement toengage 4-6 Roma middleman (BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma people, especially women and youth” MSD Intervention:Roma...
Terms of References For procurement of external expertise for outreach blueprint for Campaign for Roma for employment benefits(BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of...
Terms of References For procurement of external expertise for outreach blueprint for Campaign for job retention by marginalized group of Roma(BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and...
Terms of References For procurement of external expertise for outreach blueprint for Campaign for improvement of the textile sector image as safe and good working place (BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development...
Terms of References For procurement of expert service for assessment of Revision of employees valorization and motivation schemes (BL b3)under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills...
Terms of References For procurement to purchase tools / technology for improvement of the working conditions (BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of Roma...
Terms of References For procurement of external expertise for outreach blueprint for Campaign for Roma for employment benefits(BL under the project No. P9410“Organizational development of NRC and improved employability and entrepreneurship skills of...