The ambassador of R. Slovenia, Allen Brian Bergant realized a working visit to the National Roma Centrum. He was informed about NRC’s current activities as well as about plans for future actions.

The ambassador confirmed the cooperation with the National Roma Centrum from 2008, from the presidency of Slovenia with the European Union. He expressed his pleasure from NRC’s progress, with emphasis in the area of education.

The meeting was used to review possible initiatives for cooperation that are to be realized in the near future. The ambassador emphasized his assurance about the possibilities for cooperation with NRC through realization of mutual activities.

The National Roma Centrum expects for the cooperation with the Slovenian embassy to continue and it considers that the progress of Roma on all levels will help Macedonia in the process for entrance in Europe. “NRC is a service for the citizens” highlighted Asmet Elezovski, manager of the National Roma Centrum and will continue to act in the future on behalf of the citizens, creating a positive direction in the roma problematic.”