held in Warsaw, 2-13 October
After my continual participation on the meetings related with activities and special attention on Roma issues organized by OSCE, I feel as my responsibility and necessity to convey my opinions and views from the “Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2006″ and side events held in Warsaw, from 2-13 October, organized by OSCE. My participation on these meetings helped me to foresee how Roma issues are addressed by the states in the OSCE region. With acceptance of the Roma issue as a serious matter of concern, and the position provided for this matter, Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues, CPRSI, withinOSCE ODIHR, a way Roma voice to be heard has been opened and manner in order Roma issues to be implemented in general policy agenda of the institutions. During the 80’s and 90’s, the Roma activists were striving to be part of the state policy agendas, but without many visible effects in practice. But on the other hand, those early initiatives and oppressions have made the difference, so starting from 1992 till 1998; states from the OSCE’s region gave the opportunity to the Roma to be part of this institution. When office of OSCE CPRSI was opened in Warsaw, new views towards Roma issues arose. In that period Mr, Nicolae Gheorghe, was appointed on this position, and I can point out that positive directions were set when this office was established, and his work was example how to make balance and positive relations between the Roma community and non Roma institutions and officials, he has helped in the process of surpassing barriers regarding Roma participation in society inclusion. While time was passing by and various activities were accomplished, this Roma position has helped to Roma leaders to be active at international level, to be united and together to continue the path towards development. As example, Roma leaders from 2 international Roma organizations, International Roma Union (IRU) and Roma National Congress (RNC), jointly have gave support to this office with purpose Roma to be treated and accepted as political factor, not like a social problem. From the beginning when so called Warsaw group was formed and after several Roma groups were formed too, the process for lobbying was begun in order to make path for new Roma position in the European institutions to be formed. Today we have European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF), active Roma women movement, Roma officers and assistants in the mission of OSCE, activists in various foundations, special co-operatives in Governments… The work of Mr. Nicolae Gheorghe really is very valuable for the work of OSCE ODIHR and for the Roma community as well. Strengthened and supported by the Roma community through various diplomacy instruments, he has given positive directions to the OSCE institution as well, by accomplishing in due time effective activities and concrete support. Anyway in the forthcoming period the person who is going to be assigned for this position, I am hoping that will continue with the work and the same tempo of his antecedent and will manage to attain similar results. On the other hand I want to address about the meeting in Warsaw “2006 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting” and to express my personal views. After the initiative raised by Roma women activists a regional meeting on traditions and change, individual and collective human rights, gender equality within Roma affairs was held between 3-6 October in Warsaw. On this meeting we had open discussion among Roma women and men, and was concluded that the position of Roma women needs to be strengthened, but also is needed to pay attention on tradition in the case to represent obstacle for further women emancipation. Speaking in other words to maintain traditional values, but qualitatively to improve best practices and examples. The meeting was led by Mrs. Isabela Mihalache, program manager of Open Society Institute – RPP, and Nicoleta Bitu – OSI Roma Women Initiative. Besides them more women activists were present among them, Mrs. Vera Kurtic – Srbija, Enisa Eminova – Macedonia, Margareta Matache – Romania, Teodora Krumova – Bulgaria, Alexandra Oprea,Jennifer Tanaka, Amita Czinkoczi – OSI, Kinga Rethy – OSI, … As one of the traditional Roma’s was present, Mr. Florin Cioaba, with his wife, and he has gave his opinions for Roma women movement and tradition, and has appealed to the young Roma women to keep the tradition and cultural diversity, supporting them. Besides this meeting, Roma women had the opportunity on the working session held on 4th of October, to act with their own programme and recommendations about women issues, a side event for gender dimension and for Roma women refugee situation, was also maintained. This day also we had a meeting with representatives of U.S.A Erika Schlager – Council for International law, and Ms. Janice Helwig, representative of the United States Mission to the OSCE. On this discussion we have exchanged information and attitudes for the post crisis situation on Kosovo. On 5 October again we had discussion about International Contact Group related with gender issues within the Roma movement, supported by OSI-Roma Participation Programme, ODIHR CPRSI, Joint Roma Women Initiative, and Romani CRISS. One of more provocative topics was the discussion about refugee issues and the current situation on Kosovo, with special regard on the situation of Roma in Mitrovica. Mr. Florin Cioaba and Mrs. Miranda Volusranta, in the name of ERTF, discussed about their activities on Kosovo as well as the document “Ensuring Romani interests in the Kosovo status negotiation process”. On 5 October a side event was organized about perspectives and policies for the RAE’s status in the framework of the negotiations for the future political status of Kosovo. The Roma representatives Baskim Ibishi, Sanela Besic, Vera Kurtic, Asmet Elezovski, have met with Mr. Aleksandar Radovanovic, Deputy Director of the Serbian’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs, we have discussed for the position of the Roma population in the Balkan region and the future status of the negotiations for Kosovo including the Roma situation. On the side event organized the same day representatives of several embassies were present and carefully have listened the exposing of representative of Kosovo’s Roma and Ashkali Forum, Mr. Baskim Ibishi, and the document named “Our position” was introduced. From the discussions was noticeable that the Roma issues by the governmental and European institutions are still seen through misty prism, and on the other hand the current refugee situation is not seriously considered, the issue for responsibility about the victims of the lead poisoning in camps in Mitrovica and related consequences is not raised still. Related with the issues on Kosovo a positive discussion was raised, Ljuan Koka, representative of the Serbian’s Agency for human and minority rights has presented on this meeting, also Orhan Galjush, Roma news agency-Nevipe, Dzavit Berisha – ERRC, Shpresa Agushi, Roma women activist from Kosovo, as well as Jad Nirenberg, who repeated the question who is going to carry the responsibility for the lost illiterate Roma generations. Also there was a discussion that Roma behalf of the experiences of the deportation and the current status of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the war, the situation now is not promising at all- was stated by Sanela Besic, participant from National Council of Roma from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr. Vladimir Macura on this meeting introduced us with the edition “Housing and population of Roma”. But on the other hand positive examples were presented and efforts the Roma mahaala in Mitrovica to be build. Also certain contribution was the exhibition of photographs organized by OSCE ODIHR. A series of exhibits on Roma were on display during the first week of Europe’s largest human rights conference, opened in the Polish capital. A traditional Roma caravan was at the conference venue, highlighting the diversity and Roma’s place in European heritage. All of the exhibits were opened for the press and the general public. On 6 of October I, Asmet Elezovski, as a representative of RNC, together with Baskim Ibishi, had meeting with the ODIHR Director, Mr. Christian Strohal. We have asked continuance of ODIHR’s policy related with Roma issues, to provide new support and to lobby among the states signers of the Action Plan for Roma and Sinti Issues 2003. Also we have asked for greater urging for the Kosovo’s Roma refugees issue and mediation in this process. We were persuaded by him that the Roma community will have the support of this important institution as possible. Also he was introduced with the document “Our position” made by the Kosovo’s Roma refugees, document made by ERTF on Kosovo situation was also presented to him and the Roma refugee chronicle “Temporary life” as well. On 6 of October a side event was held exposing positive examples of Roma integration and providing contribution towards positive inclusion of Roma in the labour market. On this side event own representation has Mr, Rumian Russinov, as representative of Roma Education Fund. With the ODIHR’s support we had the opportunity on 7 of October to visit the museum of Auschwitz, a place where besides Jews, Roma were victims during the II World War too. The group that has visited Auschwitz was consisted of Isabela Mihalache, Nicoleta Bitu, Sonja Doghi, Lorena Doghi, Dan Doghi, Asmet Elezovski Enisa Eminova, Shpresa AgushiBaskim Ibishi,. What we saw over there were exposed exhibits and photographies, also the place of the mass executions. Simply at first I felt hatred, anger, then grief and sorrow. There no words to express what I felt inside. But from this visit I have a message towards – the next young generations if possible to visit the museum and to see the horror which Roma population has been through in the past. On 8 of October, the same group has the possibility to visit the museum for Roma in Tarnow, Poland, which is rare museum in Europe and in the world which is dedicated only to Roma population. I was delighted by the museum, by its exhibits, and information which are attesting that we are nation with its own history, tradition and culture, which lives without any pretensions to conquer territories or to cause conflicts or wars. I recommend to the young generations if possible finding ways to visit this museum too. On 9 of October a side event was organized about methodology for review and assessment of the implementation of the OSCE Action Plan on Roma and Sinti in relation with the governmental programmes for Roma and Sinti, with the, Ministry of Interior and Administration of Poland, and permanent delegation of Romania to the OSCE ODIHR CPRSI. Several positive examples were exposed, but certain criticism too, because why there are not young Roma in the official authorities, to show that there is real Roma inclusion, and why migration from Poland still exists. The governments should be with more selfcriticism towards the efforts to include Roma in practice. The same day protests were organized by the Roma participants, in order to raise again the initiative for more attention towards Roma due to their sufferings during the Holocaust, to raise the issue of Roma women movement and to give more political support for the Roma community. On 10 of October we have the possibility to hear how Serbian community from Mitrovica was promoting their problem, and the Roma issue was not involved. I stressed out that Roma are victims of opposed policies, and that Europe is not fair tolerating these policies on behalf of damages towards Roma population. The same evening a side event was organized, where we were informed about a project accomplished by OSCE ODIHR and the Romanian Government. But from some participants there were critiques, meaning that positive declarations are welcomed, but discrimination is issue that is difficult to prove, especially brutality and police abuse in Romania and Macedonia. More concrete work is needed in order to eliminate the discrimination. Many critical views were expressed towards the governmental representatives related with their abstinence regarding true implementation of chapters of the Action Plan that was adopted by OSCE’s countries. Because this document more seems like adopted provisions on paper then realized in practice, although positive and constructive measures are provided. Also in these discussions the case with the Roma MEP’s, Livia Jaroka was mentioned too, when she was discriminated by the Bulgarian MEP’s Stojanov, in the heart of Europe, in the European Parliament. My opinion is that this case deserves condemnation and real action by us Roma in order not to be repeated again. Also is needed the international public to be alarmed and informed with clear message towards governmental and institutional bodies that Roma should not be treated as such. On the other hand we can expect moment when this will contribute and lead to negative reflections and similar viruses and reactions in other countries. Rule of law should dominate in practice, and that is represented by the Action Plan, because we live in democratic European societies. On the 11 of October, several side events were organized among them was meeting when some recommendations on policing in multiethnic societies were presented, and a working session was held for tolerance and non-discrimination, including issues regarding the implementation of the Action Plan. Many issues for discussion were raised by which Roma are concerned and it was good opportunity for the ambassadors to see that Roma are communicating with them in a diplomacy manner, that they have well analyzed aware that some chapters are not implemented yet, the educational level of Roma is still very low, discrimination, segregation, intolerance and racism. On this meeting Roma participants were with concrete demands in the discussion, resulting in many issues regarding the implementation of the Action Plan by the states of the OSCE area (Ms. Gabriela Hrabanova – Czech Republic, Mr. Saimir Mile- France, Mr. Valeriu Nicolae – European Roma Grassroots Organization, Claude Cahn – ERRC….Mr. Iulius Rostas, the deputy director of OSI Budapest and Bernard Rorke, Director of Roma Participation Programme expressed their opinion that absence of interest, discrimination and segregation towards Roma in the process of education, should be eliminated by using the Decade of Roma Inclusion, as powerful instrument to provide positive measures for the Roma community. This day I was again on reception and meeting with the ODIHR Director, Mr. Christian Strohal, together with Mr. Rudko Kawczynski, the president of ERTF. We invited him for the plenary session of ERTF, in the conversation he once again has stressed that as possible he will work on Roma issue, and in the further conversation we have talked for the importance of the CPRSI’s position. At the end Roma participants have sent clear message to the ambassadors and governmental representatives that Mr. Nicolae Gheorghe has gave much mote to them, as real bridge between the Roma community and them. Mr. Rudko Kawczynski – President of ERTF, stated that Mr. Nicolae Gheorghe was positive appearance and he expressed his greetings to him for his efforts. Normally there are some errors and failures, but the process in the OSCE region is unfolding with slow paces, many years of work are still needed and more serious acceptance of existing practical examples. At the end, Mr. Nicolae Gheorghe, has stated that although Asmet Elezovski is veteran, we need more young generations of Roma to be active involved in the general Roma movement and to understand that none can be done immediately, but it needs time, efforts, and energy, and promptness and readiness to face with often discriminatory barriers, racism as well. But for all these are attendant effects in our every day living, we need energy to combat with these kinds of appearances. I am sure that something is missing, but I have tried to make remarks and to reflect my personal experience and views regarding this meeting. I hope that in future we will have more opportunities to exchange ideas, practices and opinions. At the end you can take a look on some segments of the exposition related with the Conference and Roma and Cinti issues in Europe. – I would like to bring to the attention the issue of implementing the Decision No.566 adopted by the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the so called Action Plan on improving the situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE area. Although all participants States of the OSCE region and relevant institutions were called upon to implement the provisions provided with this Action Plan and I was among the creators of this document, there are still many issues of concern. After many years of my participation I am glad to discuss and tо participate in the dialogue for the Roma position on these meetings, yet I feel responsible towards the members of Roma National Congress (RNC), and towards the Roma community as well, to react, and to foresee what has been done so far regarding the implementation of the activities. While analyzing the Chapter 7 from the Action Plan, related with crisis and post-crisis situation where Roma are concerned still, I have noticed that CPRSI and all States involved have done so little, because issues regarding the refugees and IDP’s are still immense great of concern. The Roma refugee issue is still present in large number, we can not hide that fact. For those who are unaware of this very difficult situation, or have not express interests or political will these issues to be solved and proper provisions from the Action Plan to be fully implemented. Coming at this meeting I was hoping that I will pay attention to some positive information, concrete measures and actions to be started according to the Action Plan. Parallel to Chapter 7, and compare to other chapters of this Action Plan, I am asking and commenting that so far for this 9 years the Roma community has invested a lot of energy, time and we have pledged our hopes, in order to change the difficult situation of Roma in the OSCE region, on the other hand our investment is related to You, as promoters of equality and development for all, among them Roma as well. Our hopes were express towards You, we were and still are, expecting positive efforts and affirmative actions to be done. Finally it is time to start with concrete action in practice regarding the implementation of the Action Plan. On the other hand if these actions are not going to be accomplished and implemented in near the future, maybe we are only illusionary subjects and participants, or You are simply giving to us only the right to participate. It can be said that we are in cultural and diplomatic isolation. Is this isolation is intended or You are powerless to implement the adopted documents (maybe only 30-50% of the estimated activities and measures), because you have the responsibility. Do you really know what was provided with this Action Plan. In that manner we are urging for respect of the provisions of the Action Plan and it’s implementation, our request is all those who are obliged to consider this document and to appreciation for the urgent needs of the Roma community in general in the OSCE region. Photos from the meeting are available in the photo galery.
Prepared by Asmet Elezovski