Human Dimension Implementation MeetingOSCE was held in Warsaw in the period from the 24.09. till 05.10

The meeting for conducting of basic human rights (HDIM) is the largest annual conference in Europe in relation to human rights and democracy. It is organized each year by OSCE’s office as a platform for country participants, partners, civil associations, international organizations and OSCE’s

structures to take actions for conducting of basic human rights, to conduct good practices and recommendations for further improvement.

The National Roma Centrum participated on the Session for the right of housing, violent evictions and Roma women. Martina Asanovska, as a representative of NRC’s resource center presented the project Legalization of housing for Roma as a good practice from Macedonia.

The discussion on this session was about improvement of the condition of Roma, regulating of illegal Roma settlements. Housing and living conditions were one of the priority areas. In some countries Roma face with difficulties for receiving personal documentations due to their informal housings. Women are especially affected and discriminated against on the basis of gender and ethnic belonging, violations of their housing rights. Also Roma women in different counties fight for their rights and rights of their families.
