The aim of the project is to contribute toward the improvement of the system for protection of human rights in the country through enhancement of the system for free legal aid (FLA) and establishment of the weaknesses of its implementation

The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM), with financial support from the European Union, began the implementation of the project “Access to justice in Macedonia”. The partner organizations of the project are: Macedonian Young Lawyers Association – Skopje, National Roma Centrum – Kumanovo, Youth Cultural Center – Bitola, Educational Humanitarian Organization (EHO) – Stip, IZBOR – Strumica, and the Association for civic society “8mi Septemvri” – Skopje. The aim of the project is to contribute toward the improvement of the system for protection of human rights in the country through enhancement of the system for free legal aid (FLA) and establishment of the weaknesses of its implementation.

The project will be implemented from February 2014 until August 2015, by supporting the partner organizations in their registration for providing free legal aid. Through the project, the organizations will strengthen their capacities in the FLA system. In addition, one of the main activities of the project is directed towards informing the population about the existence and benefits of the FLA system and its increased utilization by the citizens, which will enable equal justice realization for all citizens, regardless of their income. Furthermore, the project will provide legal aid to the citizens whose request for free legal aid was refused.

Additionally, the observation of the free legal aid system “from the inside” through the work of the authorized organizations and the monitoring of the Law for free legal aid , as well as the court procedures which exercise free legal aid, will enable the project to result with specific suggestions for the improvement of its efficiency, quality and application.

There is a free SOS line for free legal aid (0800 44 222) within the project, which is available every day from 08.30 until 16.30, as well as the website, which contains guidelines and information about the usual legal problems which the citizens face, and they offer the opportunity to ask a question or receive legal information online .

The project “Access to justice in Macedonia” is a continuation of FOSM’s and the partner organizations’ efforts which during 2011 – 2013 implemented the project Free legal aid, as a part of FOSM’s legal program, which resulted with the increased usage of the system by the citizens and a development of appropriate analysis which contain recommendations for the improvement of the Law for free legal aid (available on FOSM’s webpage

For further information about the project “Access to justice in Macedonia”:

Foundation Open Society – Macedonia

Bul. Jane Sandanski, no. 111, Skopje

Contact person: Marija Petrovska, project coordinator

Tel: 02/2444-488; E-mail: [email protected];


For the right of free legal aid:

Macedonian Young Lawyers Association – Skopje

Contact person: Goce Kocevski, lawyer

St. “Blagoj Davkov”, no. 2/1/1, Skopje

Tel. 02/3220-870; E-mail: [email protected];


National Roma Centrum – Kumanovo

Contact person: Oliver Mitov, lawyer

St. “Done Bozinov”, no. 11/5, Kumanovo

Tel: 031/427-558; Е-mail:;


Youth Cultural Center – Bitola

Contact person: Vera Gogu, lawyer

St. “Car Samoil”, no. 29, Bitola
Tel: 047/233-020; Е-mail: [email protected];


Educational Humanitarian Organization (EHO) – Stip

Contact person: Blagica Kirov, lawyer

St. “Boris Kidrich”, no. 4, Stip

Tel. 032/384-143; Е-mail: [email protected];


NGO IZBOR – Strumica

Contact person: Boris Gudev, lawyer

St.”Heroj Karpos, no. 16, Strumica

Tel. 070/390-549, 034/349-410; Е-mail: [email protected];


Association for civic society “8mi Septemvri” – Skopje

Working hours: 09:00 13:00 hrs.

St. “Rade Koncar”, no. 2, Skopje

Tel: 070/390-548