Each year, the National Roma Centrum publishes its annual report in which it transparently presents the objectives and activities, and summarises the financial assets of the association

“The principles of NRC’s work are transparency, participation and involvement of all interested subjects, sustainability, professional dedication and equal opportunities for everyone. The NRC supports the development of human resources by encouraging personal efforts and professional dedication, establishing new and enforcing the current partnerships and collaborations”, these are the leading principles at the beginning of the annual report of the association National Roma Centrum.

In the introductory speech entitled Theory of Changes, Asmet Elezovski, executive director of the NRC, points out:

“The problem of Roma in Macedonia is similar to the problem of Roma in Europe and in the world. There are certain issues that cannot be treated the same, even though they are same. Roma in Macedonia contributed to the development of human rights in Macedonia, but instead of being improved, the situation has worsened. The NRC will continue to research elements for future development and collaboration which will lead to a significant and efficient contribution towards the accomplishment of mutual, independent goals, such as eradication of poverty, fight against discrimination, freedom of speech and movement, equal access to education, guaranteed social health rights…”

Following the review of the composition, authorizations and duties of the Governing Board, is the display of human resources and the structure of the organization.

Regarding the programmes, the members of the association point out that the Programmes are the heart of the organisation. They direct the steps of the association towards positive changes in the life of the target group.

The project activities of the National Roma Centrum are presented through their goals, general description and activities.

After the presentation of the association’s activities in the media, is the review of the balance of financial assets for January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 and the report of the independent auditor.


The members of the NRC hope that the annual report will motivate you to give your contribution to the improvement of the situation of Roma.