The problems with which the Roma population in R. Macedonia is facing were the theme of discussion between the Ambassador of Kingdom of Holland and NRC’s team

NRC at the meeting presented its current and future activities, and also provided an insight about the current occurrences on the subject migration, human rights, health and education.

The Ambassador was interested about the bitterest problems Roma are facing, how well do they enjoy rights in Macedonia and how they deal with everyday life.

The meeting was held in the offices of the National Roma Centrum, on NRC’s own initiative, and besides the Ambassador Schuurman, other attendees were Mimoza Gugulovska, advisor on good management and culture in the Holland embassy, Asmet Elezovski, NRC’s manager and the team in charge of the programs of the association.

The Ambassador Schuurman with a rich diplomatic experience came instead of the Ambassador Simone Philipini, three months ago.
