Through the project “From increased voice to the improved health care access”, the National Roma Centrum organized meetings with representatives from health institutions and associations in order to review the findings and the arguments contained in the legal analysis and financial evaluation, in order to advocate for equal access to health services for economically vulnerable categories.


For a better review of the current situation and the possibilities for an approach to the antenatal services, as well as of the challenges and obstacles that economically vulnerable women have during their reproductive period, the National Roma Centrum (NRC) from Kumanovo, in the frames of the project “From increased voice to the improved health care access”, organized the roundtables “Antenatal protection in the Republic of Macedonia – opportunities and challenges”.

On the roundtable organized in Stip on September 20, there was a presence by doctors, gynecologists, hospital directors, representatives from the Centers for public health, health mediators, associations and journalists from Stip, Kocani and Bitola.

On the roundtable in Skopje, which was organized on October 1, there were representatives from health institutions and associations from Skopje, Kumanovo and Kriva Palanka. We reviewed the findings and the arguments based on which the National Roma Centrum is advocating for the women who are pregnant, health insured, work capable, but not secured materially and under social risk, to be freed from the participative costs for antenatal examinations.

The detailed report and the recommendations from the two roundtables will be published on the website:

