After the promotion of the magazine “EDNO – Education for everyone”
Through the campaign “The key is your hands”
Education is the key towards integration and prosperity

It is our pleasure to inform you that on the 26 th January at Art Café – Multimedia center Mala Stanica in Skopje we organized a promotion of the magazine “EDNO – Education for everyone” which is being realized within the frameworks of the campaign for education of Roma “The key is your hands”. . The National Roma Centrum from Kumanovo has been realizing this campaign since 2006, with support from the Roma Education Fund from Budapest .

At the promotion many representatives from various Embassies in Macedonia attended, as well as representatives from educational institutions, international organizations,schools and other individuals. After the introductory speech of the coordinator of the campaign, Mr. Asmet Elezovski the promotion went in a relaxed atmosphere. The performance of the violinist Gazmend Berisha astonished the present people.

The magazine is a contribution towards intensive inclusion and acceptance of Roma children in the educational process. The publisher is the National Roma Centrum.

This magazine is being prepared in order to see (1) in what direction the education of Roma is moving , (2) how to intensify the communication between schools and parents and (3) ways to keep Roma pupils in the educational process. The magazine will be distributed in all elementary schools and educational institutions in the 15 cities covered by the campaign (Kumanovo, Skopje, Prilep, Bitola, Kocani, Stip, Tetovo, Kriva Palanka, Veles, Gostivar, Kavadarci, Vinica, Delcevo, Berovo and Kratovo).

The campaign is supported by the Government of Republic of Macedoniathe Ministry of educationthe Board for development and promotion of education of languages of nationalitiesthe Ministry of labor and social policy, the Mayors of all 15 cities covered by the campaign and ZELS.