Finished 10h international Comic salon in Veles

The 10th annual International comic salon in Veles closed on the 14.10.

Within the frameworks of the salon, the comic “Friends” was promoted which was publicized and issued by the National Roma Centrum. The comic was prepared on behalf of Irfan Martez’s story, and the illustrations were done by Frosina Trendafilovska.

That same night Sibila and Ivan Koritarevi’s comic was promoted as well. Gani Sanduri represented the Kosovo comics’ scene.

Within the frameworks of the Comics salon, organized by the Comics Centre of Macedonia, several workshops were held, as well as lectures and also comic market was working. The youngest fans of the comics had the unique opportunity, to listen to a lecture for comics’ technique by the Italian, Mauro Lorenti, who for 20 years has been drawing the famous Zagor comic, which has existed for 50 years.

This year the golden comic awards were awarded to the numerous comic drawings, as well as recognitions for popularization of the Macedonian comic.
