
On Wednesday, 20th of February, at 19:00 o’clock, at the Best-Western Hotel (restaurant Royal), in Skopje, the National Roma Centrum, organized a meeting with journalists – main and responsible editors of the media and informative centers in Republic of Macedonia.

An exchange of information and ideas was made, which would provide an opportunity for creating of relations for successful cooperation in the mutual treatment of the problem with inclusion of Roma in social and educational processes in Republic of Macedonia.

A result from this meeting was the conclusion that there is a great necessity of engaging of media in actualization and treatment of the problematic for inclusion of Roma in social and educational processes.

The media expressed their readiness together in cooperation with the National Roma Centrum for constructive approach and informing about the treatment of the Roma problematic.

In the forthcoming period NRC according to its predicted plan and program will have public appearances with concrete analyses and elaborations of data from the many months of field work in 11 cities in Republic of Macedonia.

The meeting was organized within the frames of the campaign for education of Roma in Macedonia “The key is in our hands”, and was implemented by the National Roma Centrum “NRC” from Kumanovo with support of the Roma Education Fund from Budapest.

The activities will continue with great intensity in cooperation and support from the state’s institutions.