The discussion on the meeting was about the course and implementation of the project, the problems and challenges in relation to the application of the law on free legal aid and to equal approach to justice
The project team of “Access to justice in Macedonia” in Kumanovo on the 23.01.2015 met with the head of programs, Mr. Manfredas Limantas from the delegation of the European Union in Macedonia. The project “Access to justice in Macedonia”, is financed by the EU and its goal is to promote the right of free legal aid. The project is being coordinated by the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia, and partner organizations are the Macedonian association of young lawyers – Skope, National Roma Centrum – Kumanovo, Youth cultural center – Bitola, EHO – Stip, Izbor – Strumica and 8 Septemvri – Skopje. The discussion on the meeting was about the course and implementation of the project, the problems and challenges in relation to the application of the law on free legal aid and to equal approach to justice.