The project’s goal is realization of an informative campaign for submission of application for legalization of housing objects of Roma in accordance with the Law for handling of illegally built objects.


The National Roma Centrum is realizing the project “Legalization of Roma housing – Macedonia”, in cooperation with partner organizations Habitat Macedonia and FOOM. The project activities were realized during August, till September 3rd 2011 and were in relation to directing, organizing and submission of requests for determining of legal status of illegally built objects.

The project’s goal is realization of an informative campaign for submission of application for legalization of housing objects of Roma in accordance with the Law for handling of illegally built objects (Official newsletter of Republic of Macedonia nr. 23 from 24.02.2011 година).

Through the project we expect to increase the percentage of legalized homes in Republic of Macedonia. NRC will act in Skopje, Kumanovo, Kocani, Prilep, Tetovo and Stip where most of the Roma population is settled.

1,615(17,370 Roma) families will be informed in Skopje, and 1,255 applications (13,760 Roma) will be submitted for legalization of homes in the targeted 6 municipalities. For this intent a team was formed from 58 researches (support people on the field in the settlements) that are trained for informing and motivating of families with low income that live in illegally built homes in order to start the process for legalization of their homes.

The researchers raise awareness about the contributions from owning a legal house through direct visits, brochures, meetings with Roma leaders from the community and with other relevant partners.
