The six certified associations that provide free legal aid requested involvement from the Minister of Justice in the process of preparation of the Strategy for strengthening of the justice system (2014 – 2017)


The six associations that provide free legal aid (Macedonian Young Lawyers Association; the National Roma Centrum – Kumanovo; Youth cultural center – Bitola; EHO – Stip; Izbor – Strumica; and Roma SOS – Prilep) asked the Minister of Justice for an active involvement in the process of preparation of the Strategy for strengthening of the justice system (2014 – 2017). The associations are asking for a participation in this strategic document regarding the free legal aid and access to justice for the poor and vulnerable categories of citizens. With the involvement in the process of creating the Strategy, the associations will substantially contribute in the creation of the policies related to the improvement of the access to justice in civil and administrative matters. In addition, the involvement of the associations in the process of drafting the policy is a legal obligation of the public authorities under the Law on Organization and Operation of the state administration and also a responsibility arising from the Strategy for co-operation between the Government and the civil society sector (2012 – 2017).

The six associations that are authorized by the Ministry of Justice to provide free legal aid, according to the Law on Free Legal aid, receive a financial and program support from the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.

The submitted request to the Minister of Justice is in attachment.

You can find more details about the work of the authorized association on