Mr. Joseph DAUL, Chairman of the EPP ED group
Mr. Martin SCHULZ, Martin, Chairman of the PES group
Mr. Graham WATSON, Chairman of ALDE group
Mr. Brian CROWLEY, Chairman of the UEN group
Mr. Daniel COHN-BENDIT, Co-President of the Greens/EFA group
Mr. Francis WURTZ, Chairman of the GUE group
Dear Presidents of Political groups in the European Parliament,
Regarding the debate on European Roma Strategy that appears on your agenda of the forthcoming January plenary session in Strasbourg, we would kindly appreciate your highest attention on the following points:
- The European Roma Strategy is a necessity as well as priority for the European Union especially after the events that took place in Italy last year. Such strategy should serve the EU as an instrument for prevention of similar developments in other EU member states;
- The European Roma Strategy should primarily focus on improving the living conditions of the Roma in Europe, create jobs for jobless Roma, deepen the system of non-discrimination and combat Anti-Gypsyism in the EU, support education of the Roma, bring health in the Roma settlements and promote Roma political inclusion.
In a same time the European Roma Strategy should take into account the official recommendations of the CoE, the OSCE action Plan on Roma as well as the Decade of Roma Inclusion programs. - Creation of a Roma Unit within the European Commission should be a number-one priority for the EU, especially after the European Council recognises the urgency of the matter and undertakes concrete steps as soon as possible. Such Unit on Roma issues can help the policy, implementation and monitoring part of the European Strategy on Roma in Europe;
- The European Roma Strategy should serve Roma as equal citizens in the EU and should be tabled for consultation as well as to be developed together with Romani partners;
- The Roma in the EU are 12 million people. With the future enlargement of the EU meaning of the accession of the Western Balkans states the number will increase to 14-15 million and with Turkey will come to 16-17 million Roma;
We count on your generous support to the Roma and we thank you for sharing this letter with your MEP colleagues so that our voice as your voters is heard too.
Asmet Elezovski
President of National Roma Centrum
Spokeperson of Roma National Congress
Delegate European Roma and Travellers Forum