On Tuesday, 18th of December, in multimedia center “Mala Stanica” based in Skopje, Macedonia, National Roma Centrum organized projection and presentation of the documentary movie” Empowering Romani women, empowering Roma community”.

The documentary movie is challenging supererogation of the problem with personal documentation of Romani women in the Macedonian society. Via this movie NRC wants to alarm about the situation of this women, living on the edges of society. Author of the movie is Mr. Dragan Antonovski, and the production is of National Roma Centrum.

In the opening part of the event Mr. Asmet Elezovski the manager of NRC held a speech together with the author of the movie, Mr. Dragan Antonovski. Particular guest of the evening was the Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Els De Groen.

The movie is part of brother project activities. NRC has applied and finalized procedures in 138 separate cases, 192 personal documentation for 138 women and children in city of Kumanovo. With this activity we stimulate the Romani women to become active members of the society. The project activities were implemented with the support of OSI –Budapest, Roma Participation Program.

If you are interested to receive copy of the movie, feel free to communicate us. The movie also will be available in our web site.

Photo gallery “Empowering Romani women, Empowering Roma community