Press release

National Roma Centrum on the occasion of Macedonian Decade Presidency which officially begun on July 1 2011 and will last until June 30, 2012 is strongly supporting the commitments of the Macedonian Government seriously and decisively to continue improvement of ethnic Roma community in Macedonia.

NRC is calling upon the Government to make visible steps in housing, employment, education, health issues regarding Roma having in mind that Roma still lack personal documents creating obstacles in exercising their rights. Many initiatives were raised and formally supported, but still we have clear gap in between, although Decade is a political obligation to reduce poverty, exclusion and discrimination against Roma. NRC is urging the Government to involve state and civil stakeholders in undertaking joint actions and sharing experience toward common goal – inclusion and participation of Roma.

Decade inclusion do not let it be illusion – stated Asmet Elezovski, National Roma Centrum President. NRC is calling for joint actions and implementation in anticipated goals for visible and sustainable improvement.

Growing attention toward Roma community should not be base for further prejudices and discrimination, having in mind that Roma targeted policies have aim to improve the quality of life of our citizens. All human and other resources involved in Decade should bear in mind one clear vision –decades of exclusion cannot vanish in a minute, but can be last minute call to make difference.

The main objectives of the Decade relate to: 1. accelerate the progress towards an improved wellbeing through the inclusion of the Roma in the decision-making processes, and 2. monitoring the progress in a transparent and measurable way. Thus all stakeholders involved in the Decade and having responsibility in front of the Roma community are here to ensure visible progress not only in the name of the Decade, but of Roma people as well.