National Roma Centrum on behalf of its 10 year work is inviting you to a debate, “Roma 2015, Roma 2020, Roma…?“ that will be held in the EU info center on the 27.10.2015 (Tuesday), starting at 12.00 o’clock. The event is being organized with support of the Roma Initiative Office and program Europe for the citizens of the European Union.
National Roma Centrum on behalf of its 10 year work is inviting you to a debate, “Roma 2015, Roma 2020, Roma…? “ that will be held in the EU info center on the 27.10.2015 (Tuesday), starting at 12.00 o’clock. The event is being organized with support of the Roma Initiative Office and program Europe for the citizens of the European Union.
The purpose of the debate is to turn on the policies and practices that are being undertaken for progressive realization of economic, social, cultural and civil rights of the Roma people in Macedonia. We hope that with our mutual dedication towards these challenges and building of a society for equal opportunities for everyone we will contribute for further development of policies for Roma people in Macedonia, in order to decrease the permanent gap and inequality to approach to fundamental rights.
Representatives from the academic community will be invited to the meeting as well as individuals dedicated to building of systems for support of Roma, institutions, embassies, foundation and associations that act in Macedonia.