The closing ceremony of the BUVERO project took place on 6 November in Budapest

The project BUVERO was implemented this year in Macedonia for the first time through a summer camp for 12 Roma girls, organized by the NRC. The camp held from 12 to 26 July, was supported by Romedia Foundation and “Europe for Citizens” program of the European Commission, attended by girls aged 16-26 years who were trained in making documentaries. The project ended with the final event organized by the Romedia Foundation Budapest, attended by 5 participants from the camp, along with some of their mentors. Below follows a portion of their impressions from the activity:

“During the camp held in “Etno Selo” in Kumanovo we acquired knowledge in the field of journalism, history and culture of the Roma, photography, shooting documentaries, how to use professional equipment and then had to apply it in practice and realize our knowledge.

The event in Budapest was organized with a view to get to know the other girls who attended the camp in Budapest, to exchange our knowledge, experiences and keep in touch with them.

The event was attended by many journalists, directors, people who are concerned with the situation of Roma, their culture and tradition in Macedonia and Hungary. First presented were the documentaries of our three groups. The first documentary “Rich Story” was about the culture and traditions of Roma, with a display of Roma’s folk costume in Macedonia and its manufacture. During the screening I’ve noticed interest among the attendees. The second documentary film “The fortune in misfortune”, was about the migration of young Roma and I was part of the team. The third documentary “Silver Boy” is dedicated to the world famous Roma boxer Redzep Redzepovski.

After the screening of all films a discussion followed on the realization of the movies. Journalists asked many questions that we, five girls answered appropriately and with pleasure. Afterwards the screening of the documentaries made by the attendees of the camp in Budapest followed. We had discussion about their films and they told us that most of them do not know Roma language because their parents did not taught them Romani, instead they wanted them to learn Hungarian to make it easier for them at school.

After we finished the debate and discussion, we had dinner where we all gathered and also talked about the camp, for the past and new experiences. We exchanged our contacts and I hope in the future we stay in touch with them and with some new Roma girls. ”

Dzenifer Elezovska, Kumanovo, BUVERO camp attendee

“My expectations are fully met. The applause and comments were loud enough to tell us that they liked the video. I feel proud that we were able to show our true light, differently from the rest. I am pleased that the labor invested ten days during the camp gave us excellent results. ”

Fatima Ramadanovska, Kumanovo, camp attendee

“The presentation of the films, the reporters and spectators’ curiosity, applauses, warm hugs and the pride of our mentors with us, was a great success for us and we hope that in the future will not disappoint them”

Melisa Demovska, Kratovo, camp attendee