140 packets were given for newborns Roma who were born in Kumanovo, Shtip, Kochani, Veles, Prilep and Kichevo in 2016 within the Social inclusion of Roma people and Roma returnees in Macedonia project that is financially supported by We effect.
We invited young parents of babies born in 2016 to award them packets of Becutan products of Alkaloid with the aim to support young parents and for healthy babies in the centers for providing services in Kichevo, Veles and Prilep and in the open nurseries in Kumanovo, Shtip and Kochani.
Every packet contains diapers (jumbo packet), shampoo and foaming bath, children’s vitamin balm, instant sweet fennel tea for infants and small children, Becutan wet wipes, cod liver oil ointment and children soap.
Alkaloid has shown both great professionalism and humanism, and gifted Roma babies with additional 200 packs of wet wipes and 600 packs of children’s tea.
Until present, 140 packets for newborns were given and until the end of the year, 60 more will be.