The members of the assembly were informed about the activities of the association during 2011, as well as about the changes in the way of working according to the Law on Associations and Foundations.

Based on articles 25 and 26 of the Statute of National Roma Centrum 047-04/11 from 14.04.2011 and articles 22, 23, 24 from the Law on Associations and Foundations (Official Gazzete of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 52/10, 135/11) on 14.02.2012 an annual assembly of NRC was held. The members of the Assembly were informed about the activities of the association during year 2011, as well as for the changes in the way of working in accordance with the Law on Associations and Foundations.

New project activities which will be realized during 2012 were also presented.

Printed editions of the Association’s Annual Report, the Report of the focus groups and interviews for services in the reproductive period, the summary and recommendations for the implemented policies for decreasing of medical inequalities in antenatal and postnatal care for Roma women in Macedonia as well as the comic book ‘Drugarcinja” (Friends) were presented in front of the attendants.

With an overview of the financial expenditures for every realized project in 2011 the members of the Assembly were informed about the way of realization of the association’s budget in this period.
