Equality, tolerance, dignity and respect of human rights are achievable goals and not just imaginary prepositions

27 January, “International day of holocaust remembrance” and the victims of the genocide performed by the Nazi regime and their allies. Millions of Roma and Jews lost their lives and millions other that stood up to the Nazi ideology. With sorrow and respect we will remember the innocent victims of the Nazis. The National Roma Centrum as part of European Roma movement (European Roma and Travelers Forum- ERTF, RNC-Roma Nacional Congress-RNC, International Roma Union-IRU) guided by the core of equality amongst all people and recognition of the dignity and equal rights of all people, would like to pay its respects to all the victims of the holocaust. Also we would like to express our concern for respect of the rights of the Roma community everywhere in the world and the lack of recognition of the victims of fascism during World War 2. Even today Roma remain a marginal community in all societies.

On behalf of today we would like to say that this inhumanity must not be repeated. This horrendous genocide that exists even today is a strong message for humanity to stand up and to act. All the peoples in the world should live in togetherness and peace and should establish mechanisms for realization of ideals of equality for all. Also we would like to point out that a strong urge is necessary to fulfill and realize all activities that need to lead to equality, tolerance and dignified life for every individual.

On behalf of today we would like to share this message with hope that equality, tolerance, dignity and respect of human rights are achievable goals and not just imaginary prepositions.

Praise and respect to all victims.

Kumanovo 27.01.2015

