On June 12 – 15 in Prague, the Czech Republic, a preparatory meeting was held for the planning of Roma Pride and other actions with the European colleagues

On June 12 – 15, the National Roma Centrum took part on the 3-day seminar in Prague which included discussions on the state of the anti-racist movement throughout European community, and gave opportunity to plan the Roma pride and other actions with colleagues from all over Europe.

On June 13th, our international delegation made a trip to Lety, where we held a commemoration on the site of a former Roma concentration camp to honour the memory of the victims that were interned and murdered there. A protest was organised at the commemoration against the built pig farm on the very foundation of a former Nazi camp for Roma people. The group demanded that the Czech state remove the pig farm and provide a dignified memorial for the men, women, and children who lost their lives there simply because they were Roma.

On Saturday June 14th, the international delegation travelled to a Roma ghetto in the Czech city of Usti nad Labem where we witnessed the state of social exclusion suffered by the local Roma population. Our presence in the ghetto demonstrated the unity of European civil society in the fight for social equality for all of Europe’s citizens. This trip to Usti also provided our delegation with the opportunity to exchange with the local population and associations regarding their community’s needs.


