Issuing of public Call for participation and Open Call for Expert Trainers Selection of participants and trainers( 30 Participants , 15 from NRC and 15 from IRCA ) Training 2 (Mobility of Youth Workers)...
Issuing of public Call for participation and Open Call for Expert Trainers Selection of participants and trainers ( 30 persons , 15 from IRCA and 15 form Akademika) Training 1 Youth – Regional (4...
01/04/2021-20/04/2021 Issuing of public Call for participation and Open Call for Expert Trainers 21/04/2020-25/04/2020 Selection of participants and trainers ( 30 Participants , 15 from NRC and 15 from Akademika) Training 1 (Mobility of...
The implementing organization IRKA from Albania Tirana together with the partner organizations NRC Kumanovo Northern Macedonia and Akademika Antonovo (Veliko Tarnovo) Bulgaria due to the current situation ie the world pandemic Kovid-19 was often...
Respected, We hope for your attention while watching the video messages and further forwarding in the interest of all citizens for positive perceptions, measures taken, for a good and productive life of all of...
Respected, We hope for your attention while watching the video messages and further forwarding in the interest of all citizens for positive perceptions, measures taken, for a good and productive life of all of...