National roma centrum in partnership with Primary School “Koco Racin” from Kumanovo and “Poraka nasa” will be included in implementation of the project “One Sun for Everyone”

The project “One Sun for Everyone“ of Primary Municipal School “Koco Racin” Kumanovo, is selected and approved by Academy of Central European School (ACES) after the public announcement of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Macedonia and ACES-act local topic “Each individual is important. Together to Social Inclusion.” After being approved by Ministry in February, we Screen Shot 2017-05-03 at 7.35.07 PMfind out that the project “One Sun for Everyone” is one of 40 high quality projects selected out of 122 posted projects from 15 states in Central Europe.

The project will be implemented by a team of students from grade VIII and IX from May to December 2017 in cooperation with partners from “Our Message” – Regional Center for people with intellectual disabilities and “National Roma Centrum.”

Awarded grants can be found at: