The Macedonian participants at the P2P study visit, representatives from Center for Integration “Ambrela”, National Roma Centrum (NRC) and Microcredit Foundation Horizonti presented their projects nominated for the Roma Integration Award

Macedonian TACSO office organised information event on sharing experiences from the P2P study visit on Roma integration. At this study visit held at the end of 2014 in Brussels, the European Commission also awarded the Roma Integration Award for projects that were evaluated as the best practices for integration of the Roma community.

The Macedonian participants at the P2P study visit, representatives from Center for Integration “Ambrela”, National Roma Centrum (NRC) and Microcredit Foundation Horizonti presented their projects nominated for the Roma Integration Award and shared information from the meetings with European Roma Information Office – ERIO; European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network – ERGO; European Roma Rights Centre – ERRC and other international and EU institutions and organisations working on the Roma integration issue.

The text and photos are taken from the Facebook page of TACSO
