NRC’s urges in the area of education in the last few years are a subject of Republic of Macedonia’s last report in front of the UN Committee for economic, social and cultural rights

Republic of Macedonia’s last report in front of the UN Committee for economic, social and cultural rights as a positive experience states the urges of the NRC for decrease of the gap of education between Roma and the rest of the population as well as promotion of the principle for non discrimination in the education process.

In the report, point 169 information is provided on the preparing of the Handbook for prevention and protection from discrimination in the education process in Republic of Macedonia in 2010, by the Ministry of education, the Board for development and promotion of education of languages of communities and the National Roma Centrum.

In the report’s point 171 information is provided for conducting of the campaign “The key is your hands” by the National Roma Centrum in partnership with the Ministry of education and the Board for development and promotion of education of languages of communities. The information states that 86 schools were covered with the project as well as 3000 Roma pupils and 23 mediators. NRC’s activities resulted in decrease in drop outs of Roma pupils for 13,5%.

The full report can be read here: