Organized workshop for possibilities in 2015 on the field of interaction with UN human rights mechanism, be the Office of the resident UN coordination, Mrs. Luisa Winton

On March 4th, the “Interaction with UN human rights mechanisms: possibilities in 2015” workshop was organized in the Office of the resident UN coordination, Mrs. Luisa Winton, with participation of the High Commissioner Human Rights Office from Geneva.

The workshop covered the UN’s human rights system, its governing bodies, reporting and following the human rights condition and challenges the signing countries face. The ratification of the contracts creates a legal obligation for the country to report periodically to the UN bodies; to conduct legal obligations on a national level through laws, policies, institutional and program changes, as well as promotion and respect of rights of contracts. In periodic reports of the member countries, the conducting of the contracts is followed up, where the country reports on legal, administrative, judicial and other measures. Another importance in this process is the interest and cooperation of the civil sector and inclusion in following of the progress, identification of problems as well as evaluation of future needs and goals, all in order to carefully plan and prepare policies.

Katerina Sojic, representative from the NRC participated on the workshop, with presentation in relation to the Convention for protection from torture and inhuman or humiliating conduct or punishing, reports from Republic of Macedonia and NRC’s experience and contribution for effective application of the contracts.