In competition with over a hundred projects from seven countries, NRC’s project was nominated as one of the best projects for Roma integration in a close competition with 21 projects


Last year on April 4th, during the Second Roma Summit in Brussels, the general director Danielsson announced the competition “Award for Roma integration”, in order to increase the visibility of the NGOs and the challenges faced by the candidate countries for EU membership. With this process, the European Commission wanted to show its appreciation of the civil sector’s achievements regarding the fundamental rights of Roma.

The National Roma Centrum applied with the project “From increased voice to the improved health care access” which had a general goal to promote equal access to healthcare services for women in their reproductive period and advocacy for progressive realisation of women’s right to health.

In a competition with over a hundred projects from seven countries – Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Turkey, Kosovo, and Albania – the NRC project was nominated as one of the best projects for Roma integration in a close competition of 21 projects. As a nominated organisation, the NRC took participation in a study visit in Brussels, organised within the project People to People (P2P), a component of the TACSO project. At the study visit we had the opportunity to exchange experience of our work with many international Roma organisations which work on the promotion of Roma rights, and we took participation in the ROMACT conference, organised by the European Commission. The award ceremony was organised on October 1st together with the exhibition of photographs “Don’t look down on me”. The NRC received a    statue as one of the nominated projects for the award. Although NRC’s project was not awarded, the significance of being among 21 nominated organizations in competition with over a hundred projects gives impetus to the implementation of future activities.

The winner of the award for Roma integration from Macedonia is the association “Umbrella”.

You can find a detailed report of the study visit and the ceremony at the following link:
