Another discussion at the meeting was about situation of Roma in the European Union, as well as efforts by the EU to invest in improving the situation of this community in the region and EU countries

The delegation of the Saxon assembly in Germany (Der Sachsishe Auslanderbauftragte), paid a visit today to the National Roma Centrum (NRC) in Kumanovo in order to receive information about the condition of Roma in the state. NRC’s executive director, Asmet Elezovski informed the representatives, who represented several political parties, about the conditions in education, employment, basic human rights condition and the overall problematic in general.

Another discussion at the meeting was about situation of Roma in the European Union, as well as efforts by the EU to invest in improving the situation of this community in the region and EU countries.

“Exchange of information and this type of cooperation is of significant importance in relation to preparing appropriate policies and actions for improvement of the condition of Roma” said Elezovski. “I hope that in the future because of this cooperation we will contribute more efficiently for resolving of problems of Roma in Macedonia and Germany”.

The delegation from Germany together with representatives from NRC, visited the settlement Sredorek to see the living conditions and the problems with which the Roma population faces.

The visit of the delegation from Germany was held with support from the German Embassy in Skopje.
