On 22 – 24 April 2013, the “Forum for housing in Europe and Central Asia” was held in Geneva, Switzerland


The Forum was organized by the United Nations – Geneva, Habitat for humanity international, the international federation Red Cross and Red Crescent, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and the United Nations Population Program. This was a global event, attended by 147 delegates and 71 organizations. The attendance of the National Roma Centrum at this Forum resulted from the collaboration between NRC and the Foundation Open Society Macedonia on the project “Legalization of Roma housing – Macedonia”. The partner organizations of this project were also present on the forum: Zoran Kostov – executive director of Habitat; Liljana Alcheva – deputy director of the Habitat program; and Asmet Elezovski – executive director of the National Roma Centrum.

The deputy director of the Habitat program, Liljana Ancheva, gave a detailed presentation which included the essential facts of the problematic, and she gave a precise view of the current situation and activities of the problem with housing in Macedonia.

With its participation on the forum, the National Roma Centrum had the opportunity to promote its activities, problems and needs in the realization of the project “Legalization of Roma houses in the Republic of Macedonia”, which can be a positive instrument for the further implementation and additional support for a more efficient solution of the Roma issues related to housing.
