The objective of the first congress of ROMED is to improve the quality and efficiency of the work of the educational, health and employment mediators

ROMED – the first congress of Roma mediators of the Europe Council and European Commission was held on the 17th and 18th January 2013 in the hotel Crowne Plaza in Brussels. The participants of the event included: EU Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou from the Council of Europe, the general secretary of Roma issues Jeroen Schokkenbroek, officials from the European Union, European Council, the Foundation Open Society, Roma Education Fond, UNESCO, OBSE/ODIHR, Roma mediators and trainers which gave support to more than 250 Roma from 20 countries. The representative from the Roma National Centrum was the education mediator – Martina Asanovska.

The main objective of ROMED is to improve the quality and efficiency of the work of the mediators for education, health and employment, in order to keep the good communication and collaboration between the Roma and the public institutions (schools/ health institutions/ employment centers).
