The Roma and the right to free organizing, education and participation in the public life were the topics that were discussed during the visit

On 17 December 2012, a meeting was held in the offices of the National Roma Centrum with representatives of the Swedish Embassy in Macedonia. The meeting was held between Asmet Elezovski and Sebihana Skenderovska (NRC) and Mentor Kadriu, programme officer and Mikael Saveski, trainee from the Swedish Embassy.

The topics of the conversation were the activities of our organization, the situation of the Roma population in Macedonia and the Decade of Roma, as well as the national strategy of the Republic of Macedonia.

NRC thanked the representatives of the Swedish Embassy for their support and effort that they have given considering the problems of the Roma in the Balkans and in Europe.

NRC expressed the need to create an initiative for a dialogue between the Roma and non-Roma representatives from the Macedonian institutions and the embassies for the current situation of the Roma in Macedonia. We exchanged information for the worsened situation, considering the restricted movement of the Roma outside of the borders and the selective discrimination that is taking place.
