Dive manussikane hakajengo

With the decline of the world economy in the past few years, it looks like the respect of the human rights and freedom is also declining. The continuity of the decades long improvement was lost in the battle for dealing with the economic crises and with the struggle for survival.

Because of these reasons, The Human Rights Day has remained as one of the few reminders of the importance of respecting the others and the differences, as a precondition for the evolution of the humanity.

In this connotation, it looks as if the Roma, who are the largest minority in Europa, are having the worst time. Instead of an accelerated integration, foreseen with many strategic documents on local, national and international level, including the obligations that some countries have undertaken with the process of the Decade of Roma inclusion, the Roma are facing with a significantly worsened situation.

They have been persecuted even from the most developed west-European countries, facing a string of discriminative acts and procedures in many EU members and candidate countries, and they are often a target for hate speech and criminal acts inspired by hatred.

Unfortunately, Macedonia is not an exception, although for many years it was taken as a good example for the integration of the Roma community. Namely, Macedonia, under the pressure of several EU countries, has decided to cut the right of movement of many Roma, completely groundless and unacceptable, in an effort to prevent the return of the visa regime.

The Human Rights Day is just a reminder of how important the mutual understanding and respect is, in order to develop the democratic processes and the overall development of humanity. That is just one day. For the Roma, in the present situation, it needs 365 days of reminding.

We need an understanding for the needs and accepting the Roma community and culture every day of the year.

Therefore, by sincerely wishing for a consistency of a bigger patience and understanding, we would like to congratulate the Human Rights Day!



Lacho dzives, mangle rajalen,

Peribnaja i sumnaleskiri ekonomija ko nakhle nekobor bersha, pachalape kaj gelo ko jek telutnipe tari jek linija, vaj relacija, kova dobisarda vi o pachaviba taro manushikane chachimata thaj slobode.

O kontinuiteti taro nekobor decenijakoro lachhariba vaj dikhiba, rodiba pe mariba, basho te chinavipe i ekonomsko kriza hem te anel pe o mariba bashi jek dzivdipe majdur, avilo ki jek bibahtali situacija.

Katar o sa kodola bariere thaj problemoja, o dive avdisutno vash o manushikane nijamija, acholo jek taro buthederendar, kola tane samo jek sar alarmi thaj vakerimos, glaso, basho importantnost thaj, jek chachipe mashkar amende, taro sa odoleske so sam diferentna, taro kolorito, tari chib, tari nacija, sar jek drom, sar jek chachimos, basho jek kedimaskoro barjariba taro manushipe. Ki esavki konstelacia, o Roma sar majbaro majnoriteti vaj minoriteti, ki Evropa pachalape kaj majbilacheste nakhena.

Te ovel jek sigutni integracija, planirisardi butheder strategiengere dokumentencar ko lokalno, nacionalno, internacionalno nivelo, kote I tano vi huljena hem o responsabilitetoja taro butheder thema kola lena o procesi vashi dekada tari Romani inkluzija, o Roma i tane ko jek procesi kote arakhenape ko realiteto ki but but biphari phari thaj bilachi situacija. Chudime, blokirisarde, marde, taro majbare te phena barvale Evropakere thema, resenape bute nivelencar taro diskriminativna aktija ko procesija kote anelape kotar butheder Evropakere phuvja membroja vi phuvja aspirantija vash o membroja, a pobut i tane ko sakodiveskoro vakerimos kote barjaripe o bilachimos, o bimangipe, hem barjaripe ko vakerindo Anglikane o negativno vakerimos pe manusha thaj odova anela jek kriminalno aktija inspiririmi taro bimangipe, kana varekas na kames, tu prema oleste isi tut bare negativna dikhimata.

I Makedonia, pe jek dar, pe jek bibah, nane cidimi taro sa odova. Iako bershencar sas vakerdi sar jek lacho egzamplo i Makedonija bashi integracija taro sa e Romengoro, amen bash akana, phenaja kaj i Makedonija lendi taro pritisko taro nekobor Evropakere phuvja, angja decizija te chinavi o pravo pe phiribe e manushengoro, te chinavi o pravo pe buthe Roma kompletno bizno nisave faktija, argumentija, kanuneskere, taro regulative taro Evropakoro nivelo sa odova lija sebepi te chinavipe gjaar vakerdo iraniba taro vizno rezjimi, so nane ki relacija e dokumentencar thaj e zakonencar taro Evropakoro nivelo.

O dive taro manushikane chachimata si numa samo jek alarmi, jek vakerimos, odoleske, kozom si importantno mashkar amende te hacharas amen, te pakja, ki jek relacija, ko jek drom, taro barjariba taro demokratikano procesi thaj o khedimos taro barjariba o manushipe. Odova i tano jek dive, odova I tano avdive. Vash o Roma ki avdisutni situacija trebela trishelushovardeshushov divesa tari realizacija thaj taro respekto taro manushikane chachimata. Trebela vi hachariba taro kodova kaj o respekto tari Romani khedin thaj kultura, trebela te ovel sako dive e bersheskoro. Kodoleske, but puterdeste kamava tumenge jek baro dikhimata andral tumendar, jek baro ileskoro pachimos thaj hacharimos, thaj pachava kaj avdisutno dive ka anel jek bahtariba ako na vi jek pozitivno energija pe respekto tar o manushikane chachimata.

Kamava tumenge bahtalo dive pe manushikane chachimata.