National Roma Centrum in cooperation with the European Roma Rights Center from Budapest, from the 15.05.2012 to 18.05.2012 realized two trainings for capacity building of Roma in the human rights area

The trainings were held in hotel “Continental” in Skopje, under the title “NO for special needs schools for Roma children”. There were 56 participants, at the training, from 16 cities in R. Macedonia (Kumanovo, Skopje, Kocani, Stip, Veles, Prilep, Bitola, Kavadarci, Tetovo, Gostivar, Radovis, Pehcevo, Delcevo, Strumica, Probistip, Ohrid).

After realization of the trainings the participants had the opportunity to apply their skills in practice by researching the presence of Roma children in school and special needs classes.
