The caravan with the slogan “We are Roma!! Proud are we?! Of who we are!!! In Negotino

The National Roma Centrum continued its motivating mission for encouragement of Roma for the forthcoming census 01-15 October in Republic of Macedonia. Negotino was visited, where a fare was held on which the mobile team distributed pamphlets and talked with Roma and non Roma. There were citizens from various cities in Macedonia and this was an opportunity to inform everyone. NRC’s mobile team also visited Roma families in their homes. A positive atmosphere was registered for participation on the census with emphasis on Roma’s difficult life.

Also a visit was conducted on a plantation camp for Roma workers on a location called Ilo Vilarov, who were there for season work.

NRC’s activists met and talked with Roma from several cities who are working on the grape plantations for more than 15 days, they were there with entire families, with accommodations in improvised housings. Through the talks we got to know about their engagement for minimum wage since this is the only opportunity to gather material means before the winter period. They acted like a big family and helped each other even though they came from different cities: Kriva Palanka, Strumica, Kocani, Vinica, Radovis, Veles, Kumanovo and Skopje. They communicated in Macedonian and Roma. Their message was: it is difficult to be poor, poverty forces a man to do a lot of things, even migrate often and live under clear sky.
