This is just one story about housing, and it is not the only one, there are more like it.

We are flooded by images that show the reality and the substandard way of life of many Roma families; we can ask ourselves until when people in the 21st century will live without water, power, and sewage in an illegal construction. The story that follows is about a Roma family from the settlement Sredorek in Kumanovo. Housing is a basic necessity and a basic human right, but not all families live in decent homes or have legal protection and safety of their property.

The story is a three member Roma family who lives in the family home of Lj. D. in the Kumanovo settlement Sredok which is almost 2 km away from the center of the city. The family house is an illegal construction 50 m2, built twenty years ago with power, water and sewage network. The land on which is built is not covered with a detailed urban plan. The house was built without a construction permit. Lj. D., 20 years ago bought the land on which he built his house, with a written agreement and two witnesses, but it was not registered. Since he cannot be registered in the Kataster agency for real estate, he can legalize the object. The person he bought the land from is in France and they have lost contact.

In order to register the land in the Kataster he needs to prove in court that he is the owner and to look for a certificate and conducting of the contract. Even though Lj. D. during the 90ies made a purchasing contract for the property and it is in his name, meanwhile added some additional constructions; however he cannot for instance leave it in inheritance.

Lj. D. motivated with the Law for procedures for illegally built objects and the dead line, September 4th 2011, submitted a request to start a procedure for determining of a legal status, i.e. to legalize the object and besides the legal interest he has additional motivation. During 2011 he submitted a law suit to the District Court in Kumanovo. After the procedure he could transfer the real estate in his name and legalize the object. After the court procedure he could start the procedure for privatization of a construction site.

In order to prove that he is the owner of a certain real estate (land, house) he must have property documentation for the real estate. The transfer of rights for the real estate is done by the Kataster agency for real estates through its departments for Kataster of real estate officially (free registration)  and on request (with a settlement).

R.M. introduced private geodesic function for performing of operational (field) geodesic works, in order to speed up the procedure for registering in the real estate kataster. The private geodesic firms cover: dividing and joining of lots, recording of changes occurred with construction of objects, preparing of numerical data, preparing of geodesic elaborates for registering in the kataster, preparing of geodesic elaborates for geodesic works for special intentions.

A geodesic elaborate needs to be prepared for the illegal construction and after ownership is determined, the construction will be legalized. As it is already pointed out after the court procedure for determining of ownership, a procedure will be undertaken for privatization of the land. The procedure is privatization is raised by the user of the property (request for privatization). The dead line for submissions in 2012.

So far the procedure for legalization of the object has begun, the privatization of the land will wait according to procedure.

Reading this text someone might think that the description of the problem is complex with intertwined procedure and labyrinths. On the other hand we could ask ourselves if just one case is this complex, how much capacities would take for just one case to be resolved so that a person might receive a legal home and property, the one he already has anyway.