The National Roma Centrum promoted its documentary film “Sung life” that reflects the rich Roma tradition and history sung through traditional folk Roma music. The film is in NRC’s organization in production of “Kotiledon” and financially supported from the cultural program of the Open Society Institute from Budapest – Hungary and the green group from the European Parliament.
100 people were involved in the film, artists as well as citizens of Kumanovo. The film was shot at about twenty locations and will be broadcasted on national and local televisions.
Besidesthe film, the DVD also contains a selection of the best old Roma songs performed by various entertainers. The documentary film, together with the choice of Roma music will be distributed throughout Macedonia and Roma homes as well and will be available to all who respect the Roma music and culture.
All interested that would like to receive the original version of the film may contact:
National Roma Centrum
Done Bozinov 11/5
1300 Kumanovo
info [at] nationalromacentrum [dot] org
+389 31 427 558.