UNITED for Intercultural Action is an European network against nationalism, racism and fascism. More than 550 organizations from 46 European countries are working on campaigns across Europe. Since the early 90ties, the UNITEDnetwork organizes and inspires antiracist activities related to November 9th. The message is that on that day to unite forces and to build a movement that will tackle fascism in all its forms. Anti-fascist, anti-racist, Jewish and Roma organizations mark the so called „Cristal night“ (Kristalnacht), that took place on November 9th 1938, and it also symbolizes the beginning of the Holocaust. The commemoration does not only refer to remembering the victims, but this is also a campaign against the growth of neo-Nazism and racism that appears today in Europeand provides support to victims of racist and fascist attacks. Hate across Europe becomes fatal and constant. It comes with different faces – right wing extremism, fascism, extreme nationalism, xenophobia, racism, romofobia, islamfobia, anti-Semitism – but there are always grave consequences for the communities and the entire society. Hate does not only lead to violence, discrimination and exclusion but it is a dangerous threat to peace and democracy. This initiative is for all young people, activists, teachers, leaders of communities, journalists and all who would like to get involved. As a member of the UNITED network, the National Roma Centrum is participating in the Campagin for the International Day against fascism and anti-Semitism – November 9th 2010. For that purpose NRC member distributed flayers throughout Kumanovo, as a multicultural city, disseminating information about the UNITED network and how to contribute in the struggle against this negative occurrence. NRC urges to the government, state institutions and civil association, young people, activists, teachers, leaders of communities, journalists and the whole society to take part in this struggle so that the future generations could have a better future.