Implementation period: 01.12.2015 – 31.12.2016
The Law on health care defines rights, including measures and activities for protection of women during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding and infant care. Activities in the field of health care during pregnancy are taking place at all three levels of care regulated by the Law on health care in republic of Macedonia.
However our research conducted in Kumanovo, Stip and Kocani includes 61 Roma and 30 Macedonians (total 91), from socially disadvantaged families shows that not all women have equal access in prenatal and early postnatal health care.
The project aim is to improve the access to reproductive health, precisely and specifically, to antenatal and postnatal health services for Romani women and socially and economically vulnerable women.
Overall project aim: A continuous improvement in the area of reproductive health aimed at decrease in infant and maternal mortality by monitoring the access to guaranteed and qualitative antenatal, perinatal and postnatal health services for Romani women as well as for socially vulnerable women
The project contains three components: informative, advocacy and research. The activities will be organized in Kumanovo and Kochani. Target group are Roma women in reproductive period (14-49 years old) and representatives from relevant institutions at local and national level.
We work on prevention because it is economic and health effective, and it also prevents serious interventions and saves lives. We are focused on two cities Kumanovo and Kocani, so concentrated, to work with women who should use prenatal services.
In addition, we work to encourage more effective cooperation among institutions providing that kind of services to Romani community through advocacy and monitoring of state programs. At the same time, to raise consciousness among members of Romani community and also to see the need for initiating a formal education for midwives and their role in the health system of the Republic of Macedonia that will contribute towards effective changes for the most vulnerable communities in Macedonia.
Donor: FOSI