Implementation period: 01.04.2016 – 30.09.2017
The overall objective of the project is to establish mechanisms for improved participation and protection of the rights of the Roma and other smaller ethnic communities at the local level, in accordance with the Ohrid Framework Agreement
The specific objectives of the project are:
SO1: To promote regular consultation and dialogue between civil society and local public authorities (local Committees for Inter-Community Relations (CICRs), municipal councils)
SO2: To monitor decision-making processes at the local level, and to assess the level of participation of the Roma and other smaller ethnic communities
SO3: To strengthen the capacities of local stakeholders for promoting inter-ethnic understanding, tolerance, cooperation, and participation of the Roma and other smaller communities at the local level
SO4: To create mechanisms for increased impact and participation of the Roma, and other smaller communities, in decision-making at the local level
Outputs and results
The objectives will be achieved through the delivery of the following outputs and results:
R1.1 At least 10 round-table discussions organized, two in each municipality; R1.2 Regular quarterly meetings between CSO representatives and representatives of local authorities organized; R1.3 Citizen Report Card, an online platform for providing systematic feedback and dialogue with citizens, established
R2.1 Regular monitoring of the sessions of municipal councils regarding inter-ethnic issues; R2.2 Assessment of existing mechanisms for participation of smaller communities; R2.3 Final report and recommendations published
R3.1 At least 6 workshops for inter-cultural understanding and minority rights for up to 30 local stakeholders (representatives of local CICRs, municipal councils, local CSOs working with Roma, human rights, minority rights, etc.) organized; R3.2 At least 3 two-day trainings for at least 20-25 local stakeholders (representatives of local CICRs, municipal councils, local CSOs working with Roma, human rights, minority rights, etc.); R3.3 Local CSOs capacities strengthened through at least 6-8 awarded sub-grants
R4.1 Local strategy and action plan for promoting participation of the Roma and other smaller communities developed in each municipality; R4.2 One policy brief on participation of Roma and other smaller communities in CICRs and municipal councils; R4.3 Creation of Programme for participation of the Roma and smaller communities, for CICRs and/or municipal councils (where there is no CICR)
Project partner: Association of Roma Avena
Donor: European Union