Implementation period: 01.03.2017 – 01.03.2019
The overall objective of the action is to promote the social integration of Roma children in society through effective protection of their basic human rights.
The specific objectives of the action are:
- To reduce the practices of discrimination of Roma children by state and non-state actors, with particular focus on education, health, social welfare, housing, police proceedings, through direct legal action, legal support, advocacy to change dysfunctional legislation.
- To train and strengthen local Roma NGOs and activists nationwide in identifying and registering cases of discrimination against Roma children, and to engage them in finding and reporting such cases for further processing.
- To raise the level of the general public of the still existing practices of discrimination of Roma children in Macedonia, and thereby garner support for their more effective social integration.
Outputs and results
Result 1.1 Discrimination of Roma children identified, registered, and addressed through direct legal action, legal and administrative support, mediation with state or non-state actors.
Result 2.1 Two initial training workshops organized for Roma NGOs and activists as well as other activists motivated in anti-discrimination work.
Result 2.2 Financial support (sub-grants) provided to Roma NGOs, for work on combating discrimination of Roma children
Result 2.3 Nation-wide network of activists established, activated, and coordinated for the purpose of identification and registration of cases of discrimination of Roma children.
Result 2.4 Three regular meetings organized with the activist networks for regular assessment of progress in case identification.
Result 3.1 Center for Protection of Roma Children from Discrimination (phone, email, Facebook, etc.), for reporting of cases and providing initial legal support established.
Result 3.2 A report with identified and processed cases published and disseminated.
Result 3.3 Recommendations for revision of problematic regulation produced and promoted.
Result 3.4. Short documentaries and in-depth stories on at least 5-7 major cases of discrimination of Roma children for the purpose of raising public awareness.
Result 3.5 Nationwide campaign against the discrimination of Roma children (posters, bookmarks, T-shirts, social networks, etc.) conducted.
Location of the Project Implementation: nationwide, with a particular focus in the Municipalities of Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Kichevo, Kochani, Shtip, and Prilep, which have large Roma communities.
Project Partner: Association Public
Donor: Delegation of European Union