National Roma Centrum in partnership with Public Association from Skopje continues with the implementation of the project “Commbating discrimination against roma children” supported by the Delegation of the European Union. A field facilitator workshop was organized on 18.05.2017 supported by the European Union’s programme “Europe for Citizens”.

One of the main pillars of implementing the project “Commbating discrimination against roma children” is field work in the Roma community. Activists and organizations from Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Kocani, Stip and Kicevo applied in the public application for field facilitators.

The purpose for organizing the workshop was:

-Promoting and introducing the participants with the general and specific aims, planned activities and project results and a short power point presentation intro of the tasks and responsibilities of field facilitators.

-Defining the term discrimination, types of discrimination, recognizing and identifying discrimination, authorities and institutions for legal protection against it.

-Tasks and responsibilities of field facilitators, communication with those in charge of the project and further processing of the case with solicitors that will be hired for the project.

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