National Roma Centrum from Kumanovo, together with partner organizations Symbiosis 12 from Kumanovo and ORM Bela Kula from Kicevo for the project “Supporting Legalization of Roma Housing” funded by the European Union on 31.01.2019, publish the following:

Call for awarding sub-grants

The call for awarding sub-grants for strengthening the capacities of local civil society organizations can be applied by associations that fulfill the following conditions: to be Roma civil society organisations registered in the Central Registry at the state level; to have an operational organizational bank account; the association or key personnel in 2017 and / or 2018 should have worked on projects and have proven capacities for implementing sub-grant activities; to work in the area of ​​social integration of Roma in society, advocacy and promotion of Roma rights, housing, etc.

Sub-grants will last for a maximum of 6 months. The total budget for strengthening the capacities of the local civil society organizations is 2.151.800 MKD. These funds will be allocated to civil society organizations that will meet the requirements of this Call and which will be selected in connection with this Call. The sub-grant may be in the amount of up to 430,360 MKD.

The deadline for submission of applications is 28, February 2019 until 15:00h, that you can send to the following e-mail addresses:  and  or personally in the archive of NRC at the address “Done Bozinov” no.11 / 5 Kumanovo until 15.00h

You can find the full information about the call in Call for sub-granting

The application consists of:

Application form

Budget Form

Time frame form

Informative days

All interested organizations wishing to apply are invited to informative sessions:

  • February 8 (Friday) 2019. in Kumanovo
  • February 12 (Tuesday) 2019. in Stip
  • February 13 (Wednesday) 2019. in Prilep
  • February 14 (Thursday) 2019. Veles
  • February 15 (Friday) 2019. Kichevo

All interested participants can apply no later than February 7, 2019 until 15:00 at the following e-mail addresses:  and