Consideration of opportunities for proactive action at the local level for small(er) communities 

In the premises of the local government on 06.08.2016 was held a third meeting with representatives of the municipality of Prilep. Council members Blagoj Kareski, Aneta Naumovska and Sami Ajdini, attended the meeting as well as Maria Markovska-municipality of Priep and Ane Matevska – Roma Perspective Prilep.

The project team presented the project and project activities, i.e. what is the purpose of its implementation. With the creation of strategies and programs through workshops, trainings for all stakeholders at the local level to strengthen the capacities to improve the participation of small(er) communities that live in municipality of Prilep.

The project team expressed the importance of their presence in the project activities that will be conducted in order to establish channels of communication between them, local civil society organizations and members of the small(er) communities for successful cooperation.

Representatives of the municipality said they were interested in participating in project activities, that they have good communication and cooperation with the local organizations, and that we can count on support from them for successful implementation of project activities planned for municipality of Prilep.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.


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