National Roma Centrum whose guiding principle is enhancing the participation of Roma and other smaller communities in decision-making at local and national level from 04.01.2016 began with the implementation of the Project “Improving participation of small (er) communities at the local level” , supported by the Delegation of the European Union.


The project aims to establish mechanisms that will increase and enhance the participation of smaller communities at the local level. The focus of the project will be the everyday problems that Roma and other smaller communities face. Analyzing the current situation, what are the problems that lead to it, in order to create mechanisms that would improve it. Implementation of the project will be in 5 municipalities: Kumanovo, Prilep, Bitola, Tetovo and Kocaniwhere collaboration is anticipated with other CSOs and representatives of local authorities, a great number of activities will be undertaken to achieve the overall objective, namely to establish mechanisms for increased participation and protection of the rights of smaller communities at the local level, in accordance with the Ohrid Framework agreement.

Other goals of the project are (1) to promote regular consultation and dialogue between civil society and local authorities (Committees for inter-Community Relations, Municipal Councils), (2) to monitor the decision-making processes at the local level and to assess the level of participation of the Roma and other smaller communities, (3) to strengthen the capacities of local authorities to promote inter-ethnic understanding, tolerance, cooperation and participation of Roma and other smaller communities and (4) to create mechanisms for increased participation of Roma and other smaller communities in decision-making process.

At least 10 round tables for exchanging opinions, views and identifying solutions, quarterly meetings between representatives of CSOs and local authorities, Citizens Report Card an on-line platform where citizens can provide feedback on local policies, monitoring of the sessions of municipal councils regarding inter-ethnic issues, assessment of existing mechanisms for participation of smaller communities, final report and recommendations will be published, at least 6 workshops for inter-cultural understanding, 3-day trainings for overcoming conflicts, building alliances and partnerships, strengthening the capacities of local civil society organizations by assigning 6-8 sub-grants, local strategy and action plan to promote the participation of smaller communities at the local level, Policy brief on participation of Roma and other smaller communities in CICRs ​​and municipal councils that will serve to fill the gaps that exist, creating a Program for the participation of Roma and smaller communities in the CICRs ​​and the municipal councils which will define concrete activities to increase their participation, are part of planned project activities for realization.

The project is expected to be completed by 30.09.2017.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.