Brief summary of the sub-grants

Within the project “Improving participation of (small) communities at local level” financed by the Delegation of the European Union, the National Roma Centrum, together with the partner organization Avena, awarded 7 sub-grants to strengthen the capacities of smaller civil society associations for a period of 6 months.

Brief summary of sub-grants:

Centre for Roma integration, Stip- Raising awareness in minority communities (Roma and Juruks- separate ethnic community which associates with Turkish ethic community) about the Ombudsman institution and contributing in advocacy and equality of smaller communities at the local level.

Romano Vilo, Kocani- Building activities which will encourage inclusion of smaller communities, thus enabling socialization among people of different ethnical communities.

Association for support of marginalized communities “Roma Resource Center”, Skopje- Improving inter-ethnic relations and respecting diversity among young Roma and other smaller communities that live in municipality of Shuto Orizari.

Association for perspective integration and development “Roma Perspective”, Prilep- Avoiding social exclusion of young people from smaller communities through research, training and building their skills in order to become active citizens in their community.

Center for economic policy, analyses and consulting- “Cepak”, Skopje- Improving inter-ethnic tolerance between young members of the smaller communities and preparing them for participation in the democratic process at the local level.

Organization of Roma youth “Bela Kula”, Kicevo- Improving communication of Roma and other smaller communities with the institutions in municipality of Kicevo and raising awareness and informing the members of Roma and other smaller communities for advocacy based on the right for housing.

Center for youth activity, Skopje- Strengthening the capacities of local civil society organizations for advocacy and networking and developing project applications for Erasmus plus program.

For the duration of the sub-grants, 3 trainings were held to strengthen the capacities of the sub-grantees for financial, administrative and program work for the implementation of projects funded by the European Union.


This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Association National Roma Centrum (NRC), Kumanovo and partner organization Association of Roma AVENA, Kocani and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.